Monday, November 26, 2007


I hope you had a great day!

Courtesy of

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We did and here are a few pics.

Playing dress up.

Learning how to skip rocks.

Getting into trouble.

Wrestling with daddy.

Rides at the park.

Tuckered out!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today was Cameron's 4th birthday. Chris picked him up from school at 3:30 and met us at the bowling ally.

Then we went to Red Robin for dinner.

They sang happy birthday to him and he got his very own ice cream sundae.

After dinner we went home and he got to open his gifts. He asked for Transformers so he got a couple of those, a mat to play with his cars on, a robot arm and an I Spy game.

Daddy helping to transform a Transformer.

It's official, Rowan is crawling!!!
Yay Rowan!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

This was the kids second year trick or treating and they had so much fun, and got a ton of candy. We celebrated halloween at a friends house, which I really like. It makes halloween more fun for me and the kids get to trick or treat with their friends.

Making pumpkins

Rowan being silly.
Fighter pilot Rowan

Fighter Pilot and Padme

Storm Trooper, Padme and a genie

Trick or Treat!

Alexin lost her very first tooth right before gymnastics yesterday. She is very excited, especially since she lost it on halloween.