Friday, April 18, 2008


Cameron had his appointment with a bone specialist this morning. His foot and ankle were a little swollen but there are no broken bones...yay! He was happy to have the cast off. The doctor told him to take it easy this weekend and no running or jumping. So of course he is running and jumping. We are so happy he is ok and nothing really serious was wrong. He is such a wonderful litte boy and I just couldn't imagine my life without him.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Normally, I keep all our windows about half way open, and we have talked to the kids about the dangers of playing by the windows. It was such a beauitful morning on Wednesday and I went around and opened all the windows and doors, not paying much attention. I guees I had opened our bedroom window all the way. So while I was fixing dinner, Alexin and Cameron were playing in our bedroom and all the sudden I heard Cameron scream and start crying. I immediatly knew what happend and ran out the door. All the while Alexin was screaming "Cameron fell out the window!" Cameron fell 2 stories out our bedroom window and half landed in a bush. I brought him upstairs and gave him a quick look over and then packed all the kids in the car. Chris was on his way home and met us at the E.R.
He is a very lucky boy, the bush softened his fall. He has scratches all over his chest and some on his face. He was complaining about his leg, so they took some x-rays. They didn't find anything broken, but they wrapped it anyway just in case and gave us the number for a bone specialist. He see's them tomorrow, so we will find out if anything is broken or fractured. Everyone at the E.R. was awesome, they took great care of him.
"I'm sorry I sat on the windowsill mommy, I was so scared" is what Camerons been saying all day, and it just makes me want to cry. The thought of him falling is enough to break my heart.

We went to the tide pools on Sunday. We always have so much fun here and there's always neat creatures to see. I didn't get many pictures of us at the actual tide pools, most of the pictures are at this neat little beach at the end of our hike.
Walking to the tide pools.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Some exciting things are going on this month. Alexin is about to loose her second tooth. Hopefully it fell out at school today, I swear it's just hanging in there by a thread.
And Rowan has started walking! YAY!!!
Here are some random pics of the kids.
Here Rowan and Cameron are playing the Wii.

Rowan fell asleep on his big sister.

Look mommy, I'm fixing dinner!!

The kids had spring break last week. It was so much fun!! I love having the kids home and being able to do whatever, whenever we want.
Here are some pictures of our aquarium trip. We hadn't been here in a while, so it was somewhat new for the kids. They had an awesome time!
Here is a picture of the sea creature hunt chart I made for the kids. Alexin loved this, she marked down how many time she saw each of the creatures. I think Cameron liked it as well, but he was more interested in looking at the fish.

Cameron loved the touch tanks. We spent most of our day here.

Feeding the birds.

This shark blows you dry if you get wet.

Fishie face!

Rowan loved looking at the fish. He also loved trying to catch them and would get upset when they would swim away.