Thursday, June 26, 2008

Alexin's birthday

Alexin's 7th birthday was last week. I can't believe how big she is getting.
We went to Jump N Jammin ( a big indoor playplace) for a couple of hours. She wanted to have her birthday dinner at Red Robin and then daddy took them for a night time swim when we got home.

Birthday sundae.

Beach day

We had our first beach day of the summer last week. We were a little worried when we got there because it was so foggy, but after about an hour the sun came out.

Cameron found worms burried in the sand.

Kitty pics

Here are some recent pics of little Miss Penny.
She is about 7 weeks old now.
She's such a ham.

Pleas excuse the wet spot on the couch, sippy cups really aren't leak proof.

Penny loves it when Cameron pushes her around in the stroller.

Very upset with me because I gave her a bath. If she wouldn't be such a messy pig when she eats she wouldn't need a bath.

I'm in your castle, stealin' your lootz!!

Here are some pics from the park a week ago.

Rowan watching the kids play.

Last day for Cameron

Cameron's last day of school was June 12th. He was very sad, he wasn't ready to leave his friends and teachers, but hopefully we will see them again next year.

Bye fishies!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More kitty pics, 'cause I couldn't resist.

He secretly loves the kitty..shhhh...don't tell anyone.

Silly kitty!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We have a new addition to our family!
We don't have a name for her yet, but so far the kids like Rosie, Cookie and Bubblegum, but
I think we should call her Pepper.
She is about 5 weeks old and she is the sweetest thing ever. She is still taking a bottle 3 times a day, and she seems to really enjoy nursing on my finger or atleast trying to.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

Here are some pics from my birthday on Saturday. Chris surprised the kids and I with an Amtrack ride to downtown San Diego. It was our first ride on the Amtrack. I think the kids got a little bored, but I enjoyed it. I'm always in the car, so it was nice getting to our destination without having to drive. And riding the train is just fun! I also got a new digital camera (yay!!) and a new game for my Nintendo DS.

Waiting for the train.

Here it comes!!!


(Cameron was so excited to see the submarine)

Are you sure it's safe?


The Gaslamp District.